About us

About us

2A Center of Future Architectural Perspective (2ACFAP)

2A Center of Future Architectural Perspective [2ACFAP] is conceptualized, developed, organized and established by 2A Magazine. It is a formal forum designed for the purpose of bringing international architects together under a single umbrella to facilitate easy architectural networking and professional interaction between architects from different continents.

It is a unique global opportunity for professional architectural ideas all across the globe to share their architectural knowledge and visualize and augment the future architectural possibilities vividly.

Another significant reason for the formation of 2ACFAP is the exchange of diverse cultural data that largely impacts architecture globally.

2ACFAP also is a well-thought-out and well-organized interactive forum that facilitates professional and free interaction between professional architects and related experts worldwide.

Based on the 2ACFAP’s strategies, The necessary Characteristics to Qualify as a Member:

  • Being a skilled & distinguished architects in particular, their vision of future architecture perspective
  • Having a special consideration for society’s social, cultural, environment, spiritual, and other humanistic needs and relation to the future of architecture
  • Having a transformational and charismatic personality who can act as a catalyst to motivate others, particularly architects, artists and related professionals
    to recognize their creativity and hidden talents and help them to actualize their professional ideas and plans.

The Presentation of “2A Veneration and Innovative Achievement Memorial Icon” to Specially Venerated Projects and Genius Architects & Distinguished Innovators will be done by 2ACFAP and the architectural abilities, potentials and professionalism will be published perfectly.


Ahmad Zohadi
Founder & Head of Organising Committee